Yesterday was a lovely day for us. We had a baby blessing in Ogden for my brother's new son Andrew. The meeting was good, I got to sit with James actually, and of course the food was delish after. The funny thing was my granny. I have more funny stories to tell about her than anyone else in the whole world combined (actually Hollie comes in at a close second). While we were eating lunch grams asked if her eye was leaking. Grams had cateract surgery last week in her right eye and now has a slight infection in it. It was leaking a bit, but I didn't realize she couldn't see out of it at all. My granny is a very mobile 80 year old and a very good driver I might add, but I was a bit nervous about her driving yesterday. We had the rainstorm of all rainstorms. I'm talking buckets of water in a very short amount of time. I told her I didn't think her driving was a good idea under the circumstances. She laughed and said, "Well at least one eye works!" So how about that. A one eyed 80 year old woman driving home at dusk in a downpour. I hope she's still alive.........I better call. I love you Grams!
Oh hell. I knew she had surgery but I didn't know she was blind in that eye now! Poor Grams.