This is the meal that I associate with home. My mom made tons of good food. Every night to be exact. She is a good mother. The house was always spotless, and the food was plentiful, and delicious. I'm going to grow up to be like her one day. I just keep wondering when that day will come. I'm sure many of you have had this meal. At our home it was called Scooble Scauble. Doesn't that just sound delish! I'm not sure those two words conjure up happy thoughts for a few of my brothers, but for me baby, that meal was my favorite. My mom would usually make homemade wheat bread that day as well and we'd have a dinner full of tomato-y macaroni goodness with hearty slices of hot bread dripping with butter and honey. I loved it!! My kids love it now too. You know me, I try all sorts of new things, and I actually don't cook a whole lot of things I grew up with as a kid. I've noticed my cooking style has changed a lot the last 10 or so years. Instead of tacos once a week, we have Carne Asada or fish tacos. Not a huge change, but different. One thing that hasn't changed over the last 37 years (or is it 29?) is Scooble Scauble. It's a staple.
A few years ago James and I went through the hardest struggle in our married life. We bought our partner out of the bakery, bought a really expensive building, remodeled it, and moved our bakery 100 ft. West into the new bakery. We had visions and images of what this new place would do for our bakery. We were going to expand and have sales increase 10-20 percent, and add a line of sandwiches. Oh our vision was so Pollyanna-ish. It would be so simple. Little did we know what we were getting in to. Funny thing too, was that all 3 members of our Stake Presidency started dropping by to see how things were going at the bakery. A lot. Like, at least one of them a day. They were praying for us I'm sure. Actually they later told us that they were praying for us. Praying if James was really supposed to be the new bishop of the Paradise 1st Ward. They had a few concerns. I don't blame them:) We must have looked like we were in a little over our heads. We were, but at least we didn't know it:)

One day I came home late and completely exhausted. I had a wonderful visiting teacher who showed up at the door with an ice cream bucket full of Scooble Scauble. Her family called it Cowboy Delight, but I didn't care what it was called. It was Manna from heaven. I have never received a meal more meaningful to me than that simple ice cream bucket full of goodness. Kris Howell, bless her heart, didn't have a clue what was going on in our lives at the moment, but she thought I could use a dinner that night. I will love her forever. Not just for the dinner, but for listening to a prompting. I love her stinking guts!! Actually there were a lot of people who listened to prompting that week. Old friends just showed up, brothers took days off of work to paint and frame windows out, mom's and dad's stopped by out of the blue, and even the Logan High Seminary teachers stopped by for cookies at just the right moment. Little did they know they were going to help dismantle an oven the size of a kids bedroom. We were blessed that's all there is to it.
So I guess the moral of this story is to listen to that little voice. I hear it all the time. Daily! I don't act on it enough though. I'm going to do better. Just think what the world would be like if we all acted on those little thoughts and impressions. Thanks to all those I love who have listened. I will love you forever and ever.
Scooble Scauble
1 lb. hamburger fried with an onion and drained or rinsed
1 lb. of elbow macaroni cooked
2 qts. tomatoes blended up
1 can corn or green beans
5-6 beef bouillon cubes
a little sugar
In a big pot add the cooked hamburger, cooked noodles and everything else. Bring to a boil and serve with hot bread. Simple, but pure deliciousness.
What a coincidence! Two nights ago Mike and I were talking about recognizing and acting on promptings. The thing is, it doesn't matter if it is an actual prompting, or just a thought to do something for someone. You really can't go wrong when you are trying to serve. I'm sure you've been on the giving end more than your share! Love your guts!
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm going to make this for Marc. He will love me forever. Thanks for posting the official recipe.
ReplyDeleteLove that post! Promptings are so amazing when you act on them. As for your recipe....Sky View High used to serve Cowboy Delight and it was one of my favorite days...along with their homemade bread which was divine.
ReplyDeleteIt's about time I made it into your blog...if only in a photo or two.
Saw you on channel 5, thought I would check out the blog. It is a fun one!!
ReplyDeleteI grew up with about the same creation, but it was called Goo lash. My mother would put add mozzarella cheese to the mixture. She didn't add the beef bouillon, but I know it is probably delicious with it.
I have adapted the recipe, my husband doesn't like the texture of stewed tomatoes. Here is my version, if you want to try it...
Instead of tomatoes and extra seasoning, I substitute a whole jar of Prego Spaghetti sauce. I then layer the concoction with Mozerella cheese. Put the lid on and let it melt. Now it is a gooey,hamburger, macaroni,corn, and saucy dish. .. We sprinkle Tony Chachier Seasoning on it before we eat it.
Thanks Jane for the comment. I'm going to have to try your recipe the next time I make Goo Lash. Isn't it a wonderful meal.