What in the world is Cracker Toffee you may be asking. Let me tell you, it is so dang good. I have quite a few toffee lovers in my family that request this recipe frequently.
J comes from a mother who every Oct. sets out to dip 3000 lbs. of chocolates for everyone she knows and loves and we are very happily and thankfully recipients of all her hard work every year. Usually the week or two before Christmas my in-laws, decked in their best Christmas attire, make the rounds to all their children's homes, bearing pounds of delicious chocolates, big square bricks of the worlds best toffee, and giant candy canes for the kids. It's always so fun to have them come, but dang it I wish they wouldn't let the kids know we now have chocolates. I usually try to hide them for as long as possible. I would like to eat them all by myself, but that never happens. Last year we broke them out on a beautiful ski day in Jan. with the whole fam, and enjoyed every little morsel. Even the Black Walnut ones:)
Back to the giant square of toffee though. It is chocolate coated on both sides and then covered in sliced almonds. Can I just say I don't remember the last time I actually tasted this brick. James totally and completely eats this giant baby on his own. He may share with Jake, but the two of them are very un-generous.
I have learned how to make Eileen's toffee and I must say it is the best, but very particular. Actually it's a little demanding to make. You have to watch the weather, the humidity, the phases of the moon, how much water is added, watch the sugar crystals, .......you get the idea. So when a toffee need arrives and I don't want to be too domestic, I love making this Cracker Toffee. You can make it fast enough to eat it for an impromptu family night. It is fast, easy, and pretty dang good. I had a shower for a beloved little niece a few weeks ago and had a platter full of Cracker Toffee. It was devoured, and recipes were requested. I promised a blog post, and here it is. So sorry it took a little longer than I anticipated, but I still love you all.
I received this recipe a few years ago from a favorite friend that has since moved on in life. Actually she just moved to Texas, but that is the end of the world as far as I'm concerned. This new and mysterious world of blogging has kept me in contact with her though. I am indeed thankful for that. I miss her, dang it! Everything about her. She is just a tiny little girl, but she had some of the most naughty recipes. Thigh Pie, Kitty Litter Cake, and Cracker Toffee to name a few. You knew she liked something when she would say, "That was so good it made my thighs twitch!" So thanks Lori for the Cracker Toffee recipe, and yes folks it is thigh twitching good, so eat up!!
Lori's Cracker Toffee
1-2 packages saltine crackers
On one of your big silver cookie sheets, cover it completely with tin foil. The tinfoil will go up the sides a little, but I have more going over the ends. It makes the toffee easier to get out. Line the entire cookie sheet with Saltine Crackers. It usually takes about 1 1/2 sleeves of crackers. Don't overlap if you can help it, and if there is a little space that's ok.
1 c. butter
1 c. brown sugar
In a sauce pan place the butter and sugar together and bring to a boil. I usually stir with a wire whisk to make sure the butter gets incorporated. Boil the two together for 5 mins. stirring constantly.
Immediately pour over saltines. I drizzle it slowly and try to cover as much of the crackers as possible. There will be bare spots, but they will get covered eventually. Bake the crackers in a 350' F. oven for 10-12 mins. The syrup will be bubbly and fill in any holes you had. Take pan out of the over and let sit for 6 mins. Turn off oven and leave the door ajar. (Just do exactly as the recipe states and you won't be disappointed.) Pour 1 pkg. of chocolate chips over the crackers. Use whatever you like. My fave is with semi sweet chips, but I'm a dark chocolate lover. Milk chocolate is lovely too. Put the sheet pan back into the oven that has been turned off and let it sit until the chips start to melt and turn shiny. Take out of oven and spread the chips until the chocolate covers the Cracker Toffee. Sprinkle the top with chopped nuts if you like nuts. I love pecans. I usually place the cookie sheet in the fridge or freezer to quicken the process. I'm impatient! But if you have patience let it sit on your counter until the chocolate is set. Break into pieces and enjoy the thigh twitching goodness!
Oh...... I am so so honored taht the queen of the kitchen added a recipe from this woman who is truly lacking in the talents of the cuisine! I must say that I love love love CRACKER TOFFEE. I could eat the whole thing myself. Last year I took some to a neighbor and frankly she was a little angry with me because she finished hers off with a cup of coffee for breakfast. I didn't ask her if her thighs swelled with joy but I would be a large amount of $$$ that they did:) The only thing that I don't like about this recipe is that the foil sometimes sticks to my toffee. If you don't see it .... oh no.... you will remember where your fillings are. I now just spray my pan and it works wonderfully! Thanks for remember me!! Even after I have MOVED ON in life! I love love love your stinkin guts LISA!!
ReplyDeleteskeptical. tried it. loved it. totally easy.
ReplyDeleteOh Cracker Toffee! This recipe just brings back memories of Lori!(sad they can't be continuing memories) DEE LICIOUS!
ReplyDeleteIts in the oven~ I've been craving this goodness ever since I ate it at your house. I didn't boil it the entire time...its was a thicker mixture tat blobed over the crackers, rather than drizzled. Did I do something wrong? So I just spread it out evenly over the crackers. Either way, I'm sure i'll eat it all by tomorrow. Thanks lisa, I'm so excited to eat this tonight!